Japan School Math

Grade 5 (All topics)

Printable Worksheet Online Practice Online Test
Showing 93 of 287
Large Numbers (7-Digit to 9-Digits)
   Representation of Large Numbers
   Successor and Predecessor
   n Digit Numbers
   Place of a Digit
   Compare Large Numbers
   Operations on Large Numbers
Roman Numerals (up to 1000)
   Introduction to Roman Numerals
   Write Roman Numerals for Hindu-Arabic Numerals
   Write Hindu-Arabic Numerals for Roman Numerals
   Meaningless Roman Numerals
   Compare Roman Numerals
   Operations on Roman Numerals
   Word Problems on Basic Arithmetic Using Roman Numerals
   Numerical Expressions Without Brackets (DMAS)
   Numerical Expressions With Brackets (BODMAS)
Factors and Multiples
   Factors and Multiples of a Number
   Tests of Divisibility
   Prime Factors of a Number
   HCF and LCM
   Like and Unlike Fractions
   Unit Fraction
   Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions
   Equivalent Fractions
   Simplest Form of a Fraction
   Compare Fractions
   Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
   Multiplication and Division of Fractions
   Word Problems on Fractions
   Reading a Decimal Number
   Place Value Chart
   Pictorial Representation of a Decimal Number
   Expanded Form of Decimal Numbers
   Like and Unlike Decimals
   Comparing Decimals
   Ordering Decimals
   Relate Decimals and Fractions
   Operations on Decimals
   Multiplication and Division of Decimals
Rounding Numbers
   Rounding Off Numbers
   Rounding Off the Decimals
   Measurement of Length
   Measurement of Weight
   Measurement of Capacity
   Convert a Fraction into Percentage
   Convert a Percentage into Fraction
   Convert Decimal into Percentage
   Convert Percentage into Decimal
   Percentage of a Quantity
   Word Problems on Percentage
   24-Hour Clock Time
   Use of 'AM' and 'PM'
   Relate Year, Month, Week, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
   Addition and Subtraction of Time
   Conversion of Money
   Addition and Subtraction of Money
   Multiplication and Division of Money
   Word problems on Money
   Understand the Basic Terms in Geometry (Point, Line, line segment, ray, and Plane)
   Types of Lines
   Set Squares
   Collinear and Non-Collinear Points
Area and Perimeter
   Understanding the Concept of Perimeter
   Perimeter of a Triangle
   Perimeter of Polygons
   Area and Perimeter of a Square
   Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle
   Circumference of a Circle
   Volume of Cuboid
   Volume of Cube
   Word Problems on Volume of Cube and Cuboid
Data Handling
   Bar Graphs
   Pie Charts
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